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All carriers are A.M. Best rated A or higher. Not all business will qualify and may not be available in all states. The Underwriting and Coverage options below are a general summary. Coverage may vary depending on the state and risk. Please contact your Account Executive for details specific to your risk.

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Home Based Business
- Over 150 eligible classes
- New ventures are eligible
- Equipment breakdown coverage provided at no additional cost
- Off-premises liability coverage
- Risks with revenues up to $500,000
- Business personal property off-premises coverage available up to $15,000
- Professional errors and omissions sublimit provided at no charge for many classes
- Up to three employees
- Additional insureds can be included for $20
- A.M. Best rated A++ company
- Ability to quote and bind on the web
- Minimum premium of $159
- General liability available up to $1,000,000/$2,000,000
- Business personal property/Loss of income up to $100,000
- Money and securities up to $10,000 inside/$5,000 outside premises
- Errors and omissions included on most classes of business
- General liability deductible is $0
- Property deductible is $500
- Errors and omissions is $1,000
- Risks located in AK, HI, LA and WV
- Prior felony conviction for any member of the household
Business Resource Center, Provides centralized access to business solution vendors for all policyholders
- Human resources services
- Pre-employment and tenant screenings
- Identity theft protection
- Marketing resources
Call 1-888-875-1969 for an Instant Phone Quote
Special Events
- One-day and multi-day events, as well as annual policies
- Events with up to 10,000 attendees or 10,000 consumers of alcohol per day
- More than 100 different classes of business
Product Advantages
- Separate limits for general liability and liquor liability
- Automatic coverage for volunteers, temporary or leased workers and committee members
- Property owner can be included as an additional insured at no additional charge
- Optional coverages for waiver of subrogation and primary/non-contributory wording
- Set-up and take-down coverage available for all events that include general liability
- Rain date coverage available for events rescheduled due to inclement weather
- Coverage for damage to rented premises includes other perils in addition to fire
- Coverage extends for events lasting past midnight for no additional premium
- General liability deductible is $0
- Liquor liability deductible is $0
Available Limits
- General liability limits up to $1,000,000/$3,000,000
- Liquor liability limits up to $1,000,000/$3,000,000
- Optional limits up to $5,000,000/$5,000,000 in certain states for events with 500 or fewer attendees
- Medical payments limit up to $10,000
- Damage to rented premises limit up to $500,000
Most Common Ineligible CHARACTERISTICS
- Events located in AK, LA or WV
- Events with:
- Liquor in AL, IA, IL, LA, MN, MS, OR or RI
- Firearms
- More than 10,000 attendees
- Overnight camping
- Bonfires
- Events that permit spectators in the water
- Haunted house, hayride or corn maze exposures
- Events that include medical treatments or health screenings
- War reenactments
Business Resource Center, Provides centralized access to business solution vendors for all policyholders
- Human resources services
- Pre-employment and tenant screenings
- Identity theft protection
- Marketing resources
Call 1-888-875-1969 for an Instant Phone Quote
Renters Insurance and Senior Tenant Product
- Applicant is the full-time tenant of a dwelling, apartment, condominium,
cooperative unit or a unit in an assisted living facility - Named insured can be an individual(s), trust, estate, limited partnership,
family partnership or LLC - Coastal exposures are acceptable (excluding wind and hail coverage)
- Applicants with one prior loss in the last three years
- Protection class 1-9 acceptable
Product Advantages
- Personal injury included
- Personal lines forms for entities other than individuals
- Can include landlord as additional insured
- Ability to quote and bind online
Available Limits
- Coverage C up to $200,000 (for policies not endorsed with Senior Tenant Endorsement)
- Coverage D up to $200,000
- Personal liability up to $1,000,000
- Medical payments included at $5,000
Most Common Ineligible CHARACTERISTICS
- Applicant resides in a nursing home or dementia care facility
- Applicant rents a dwelling with an unfenced pool
- Applicant is a college student
- Unit or home is undergoing renovation
- Unit or home has woodstoves or space heaters
- Unit or home has a business exposure, child care or farm exposures
- Unit or home is rented to college students or has roomers or boarders
- Unit or home is located in a protection class 10
- Risk is located in AK, AL, CA, FL, HI, KY, LA, MS or WV
- Senior Tenant Endorsement – residents of an assisted living, residential living or independent care facility may purchase this endorsement to provide special limits of liability for property items unique to a senior tenant living
scenario (available in PA and NJ only) - Renters Protection Plus Endorsement – optional value-plus endorsement offered to increase specified limits of liability for specific property items
- Pet Damage Endorsement – optional endorsement offered to provide coverage for property damage caused to the residence premises by applicant’s pet
Business Resource Center, Provides centralized access to business solution vendors for all policyholders
- Human resources services
- Pre-employment and tenant screenings
- Identity theft protection
- Marketing resources
Call 1-888-875-1969 for an Instant Phone Quote
Small Boatsman Personal Watercraft
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If you do not have a login for this product, please contact Jackie Plank (
Product Advantages
- Personally owned or corporately titled
- Fishing equipment coverage
- Water sport liability included for most boats
- $500 Emergency towing coverage included
- $1000 Personal effects coverage included
- Boat lift coverage (optional)
- Diminishing deductible for most boats up to 65 MPH (no deductible after four claim free years- decreases by 25% after each loss free year)
- Pollution liability included with separate $500,000 limit
- No limit on vessel age for hull coverage
- Replacement cost, agreed value, and actual cash value settlement options
- Uninsured boater coverage included equal to watercraft liability, up to $500K
- No lay up restrictions
- Med Pay coverage
- Windstorm Extra Expense
Eligibility Criteria
- Small boats up to 26’11” in length & maximum speed up to 100 MPH
- No restriction on boat type or value
- Available in every NATIONWIDE with some limitations based on boat type and location
- Inboard, inboard/outboard (stern drive), outboard, air/propeller, sail, jet, and manual
- Up to 2 engines
- Boat types: Runabout, fishing, cruiser, pontoon/triton, sail, houseboat, inflatable, PWC, manual, hovercraft, airboat, high performance vee, high performance catamaran, homemade/kit and mini (sport)
- Material type: Fiberglass, metal/aluminum, wood, composite, inflatable, poly & other
Ineligible Risks
- Over 26’11” and speeds exceeding 100 MPH
- Located in Broward & Dade Counties
- Held for sale
- Used commercially
- Hull has fiberglass over wood
- More than 2 main engines
- Turbine engine
- With an exposed engine compartment and/or over the transom exhaust
- Horsepower exceeds manufacturer’s maximum capacity
- More than 3 owners
- Operator less than 25 years old on a watercraft with speed equal to or greater than 66 MPH
- Owner or primary operator under the age of 18
- Excess motor vehicle violations and/or marine losses
Available Limits
- $300 CSL for all operators
- Up to $1MM based on operator
- Airboats are limited to $100 CSL
Submission Requirements
- Applications vary
For questions regarding a submission, contact your Account Executive
Yachts, Sailboats, Catamarans
The hurricane-exposed program offers coverage for many types of vessel in hurricane and windstorm-exposed areas.
Program Features
- Vessels up to $2,000,000 USD in value
- Motor Yachts, Trailercraft, Sailboats and Catamarans
- Go faster boats up to 90mph
- Liability limits up to $10,000,000 USD
- Medical Payments, Personal Effects, Tender and Trailer coverage available
- Specialist Fleet Underwriters
Program Features
- Vessels up to $2,000,000 USD in value.
- Motor Yachts, Trailercraft, Sailboats and Catamarans.
- Go faster boats up to 90mph.
- Liability limits up to $10,000,000 USD.
- Medical Payments, Personal Effects Coverage, Tender Coverage and Trailer Coverage available.
- Heavily discounted rates for vessels laid up during the year.
- Discounts for insureds that are able to demonstrate that their vessel is suitably winterised.
- Discounted rates for vessels located on inland waterways that are not exposed to saline waters.
Excess Liability:
Program Features
The maximum limit available is $10,000,000 USD and $1,000,000 USD limits above carrier’s in-house limits:
- $2,000,000 – $9,000,000
Excess liability facility is not available on fast boats and may not be available in the event that excess liability underwriters fail to approve an application due to adverse risk features.
A supplemental application may be required depending on risk type and coverage selected. Please contact your assigned Account Executive for more information.
For questions regarding a submission please contact your Account Executive